Global Brand Solutions is a network of companies who specialise in taking the concept off the page and creating branded experiences from design, strategy and implementation into a physical environment.
It’s Not About Big Bucks
Imagine a big branding idea, and you’ll think about big budgets. Our inside scoop on branded spaces means that we know how to cause a stir without spending a fortune. We’ll advise you on the right materials, designs, and builds to turn heads.
Problem Solving
We Love A Challenge
It would make your eyes water to take you through everything needed to take your average branded solution live. Planning, approval, technical specs are just part of the picture. Then things like weather conditions can cause delays. But our ironed-out process, specific accreditations and real-world experience mean we take care of all the tricky bits.
Solutions For The Real World
Everything we design, make and install is fit for purpose in the environment it’s intended for. Every place has its quirks, and the space needs to be designed around that, for full visual impact. It’s all about creating the right impression, complementing the setting it’s a part of, and slotting into your brand identity.
Our Work Takes Our Reach
Around The Globe
Every project we complete sets a benchmark for the next, the standards we produce are constantly pushed and the vision on exactness and excellence is what makes us who we are.